2023, Course

2023 5-Month Course: Soulcentric Midlife (In-Person, 8/12 – 12/2)

Are you in your 40s and 50s and thinking about the second half of your life? Every life stage brings its own gifts.  Each life stage has its own purpose in our development as a whole being.  In every season of our life, there are changes and growth, letting go and rebirth.  Midlife could bring us menopause, greying hair, childcare, eldercare, an empty nest, loss of loved ones, second careers, and relationship changes..but we also have more life experiences and skills than we had in our younger years.  Perhaps we also have more time and resources to find joy and explore our passions.  While our culture likes to associate this time in our life with turmoil and crisis, it could also be a great time for inner growth, clarity, and purpose.  

In this 5-month course, we will use inquiries, experiential exercises, and meditation practice to explore our underlying emotions around midlife issues.  What are our fears, doubts, agitation, hopes, and dreams?  How do we make peace with the life we have led so far? How do we live a fulfilling life with the time we have left?  As we have learned from our life experiences so far, have we started to live in accordance with our inner values and deepest desires? How do we let go of our former selves and keep evolving?  This class is for exploring questions rather than having answers.   It is based on Buddhist philosophy to help us transform our mind in approaching these inquiries.  It is highly interactive and experiential in nature – we will spend much time in group work and less time in formal sitting practice.  Central to this course is building a community among people in the midlife stage.   

This is an in-person course and will meet monthly on a Saturday for half a day.  We will meditate, journal, form buddy groups, and build community through sharing, dialogues, and group work.

The meeting dates of the course are:

Sat. 8/12/2023 – 2pm – 5pm

Sat. 9/23/2023 – 2pm – 5pm

Sat. 10/21/2023 – 2pm – 5pm

Sat. 11/18/2023 – 2pm – 5pm

Sat. 12/2/2023 – 2pm – 5pm

The course will be offered through New York Insight Meditation Center.